Whilst working at the ground zero site of the twin towers in New York diggers found something interesting last tuesday — the 10-meter hull of an old ship!
The New York Times reports:
"The vessel was probably used along with other debris to fill in land to extend lower Manhattan into the Hudson river, archaeologists have said. It was hoped the artefact could be retrieved by the end of today, said archaeologist Molly McDonald. A boat specialist was going to the Ground Zero site to examine the find. McDonald said she wanted to at least salvage some timbers; it was unclear if any large portions could be lifted intact. "We're mostly clearing it by hand because it's fragile," she said. A 45kg (100lb) metre long anchor was found a few yards from the hull on Wednesday but the experts are not sure if it belongs to the ship. The archaeologists are racing to record and analyse the vessel before exposure to air makes the delicate wood deteriorate."
More from the NYT, including photos.