On Saturday 7th March 17 ladies took part in "I'm an Army wife, get me out of here!" event at Carver Barracks in Wimbish organised by 33 Bombshells - the wives committee- to raise money for Comic Relief. For one day the trophy wives got to wear the trousers (and the boots), and spent a day of endurance in the life of a solider.
We started with Drill on the parade square (very entertaining) for an hour followed by a ration pack lunch in a spiny on the airfield. It wasn't too bad but I wouldn't want to eat it again lol. We all did well but special mention to the girls who put coffee in the mess tin while still in the packet ; ).
After the ladies "did lunch" we went skid pan driving in a land rover which including a timed course and doing power slides like Miami vice! Then there was clay pigeon shooting followed by rock climbing and abseiling. This was the hardest, none of us expected it to be such hard work, only 4 got to the top, well done Janel and Charlie : ) Last but not least finishing the day in true squadie style there were of course drinks and beer.
We raised £700 altogether for this event and thank you too everyone who sponsered me, I got £165 : ) On Red Nose day 14th March Jenna and I raised £75 on the cake stall at the fair outside the village hall and the grand total is somewhere in the region of £1500 (TBC)
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