Hips Dont Lie
Belly dancing has taken on a surge of popularity in recent years, following the trend of alternative fitness like pole dancing and boxer-sizing, with classes popping up all over the place.
Belly dancing actually involves all parts of the body but most specifically the hips, modern belly dancing is an Arabic folk dance and has different traditions depending on its origins. For example in Egypt dancers are not allowed to touch themselves during performance or have their midriff showing, where as Turkish dancers are much more seductive, often wearing mini skirts and high heels.
I've always been interested in the flamboyant folks dances so when the opportunity arose to attend a belly dancing workshop I eagerly took it. It was great fun, made us all feel very sexy and confidant and is a great way to keep fit. During the first lesson, held on 13th March 2010, we learnt a simple dance for beginners. It still needs practice and polishing but even though it was our first go we had great fun : )
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