Friday, 21 May 2010

Carrington farm

Since getting a new job as dog handler, we’ve fitted a serious fence half way down the garden to segregate the chickens, partly for the dog but principally because they make such a mess! Its nice to keep the farm yard in the business end of the garden and keep the patio for the people and the flowers :)

In their garden they have a bus shelter, an empty flowerbed to roll in, a windbreak and sunshade, a nice log and a custom built perch, which btw they never use *rolls eyes*. They’ve also got some other luxuries and entertainment; they are very spoiled chickens :) They do jump over said fence, namely nimbly little Esme with smarty pants Gwen following close behind but when Monty spends most of the day in the garden they are smart enough to stay in their side, despite the temptation of fresh grass and my vegetable patch.

The girls have all settled in tremulously, have oodles of individual character and are currently laying 6 eggs a week average each. Gwen in particular likes to announce her skill straight after laying her daily egg! The eggs are regular sizes now they have had some practice, and the girls themselves have also averaged out in size. Bertha isn’t the biggest by a landslide any more, all 3 have grown to near enough her size, even little Esme although she is still the smallest. Blue is rapidly gaining weight as she is so greedy and isn't too shy to snatch either, she can eat 4 cherry tomatoes in the space the others only get one!

We are managing to eat all the eggs ourselves, which really shouldn’t surprise me, as we can’t get enough of the tasty fresh eggs, but sadly means the neighbours don’t get to share in the yumminess! Sorry (but not too sorry) guys ;)

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Springtime Sunday ride with Rex

I took Rex my beloved cheap and cheerful cruiser out for a Sunday ride in Essex. Since moving here I have fallen deeply in love with the scenery. There were rolling hills filled with bright yellow rapeseed and fresh green spring grass dotted with buttercups swaying in the wind like an ocean. At the side of the road a hovering kestrel swoops down towards a freshly exposed ditch to catch her lunch, over the hill Thaxted rises into view with its lofty church spire, as I get closer I can see the historical streets lined with cottages and Tudor buildings.

After I pass a building with over hanging wattle and dorb I turn onto a winding single track road with farm cottages, barns and open banks, the road is level with the fields around and I can see for miles. There are a few tulips left in the gardens closer to town and further out on the hedgrows are wild dog roses and late blue bells, as well as flowering weeds on the banks. With an un-obstructed view of the landscape you can watch the clouds shadows move over the fields smoothly and the golden sunshine lights up everything.

A fork in the road with wonky-whitewashed sign leads onto a mottled lane through wooded curves, with a parish church tucked away, hidden from the outside world amongst the pale green leafy trees. At the t-junction we turn onto the road that leads towards the chocolate box inspired Finchingfield; the quaint cottages painted in pastels, the ornamental duck pond with humpback bridge where the road leads up the hill and guides your eye to the Norman church proudly overlooking the postcard scene, the village I have grown to love and call my home.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

AC/DC vs Iornman

This is very cool, go check it out :)