Sunday 18 January 2009

Eat Better Move More

The Change4Life advertising campaign began on 3 January 2009 – on TV, in the press, on billboards and online. Apparently it has cost £50m to fund this campaign, the society wide movement that aims to prevent people from becoming overweight by encouraging them to eat better and move more.

The colourful stop motion adverts are fun to watch and do a great job about getting their message across, I’m sure they will be a great hit especially with kids and younger families. I just find it slightly odd that we – The government and the UK tax payer - can spend so much on essentially just an advert when schools are selling off playing fields to housing developers to support their own development.

As well loss of playing fields in the schools, community and youth groups are suffering too. Insurance costs are getting ever higher for private groups so there will be far fewer sports events, scout swimming galas and five-a-side football tournaments than ever before.

Anyone else think this is odd?

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