Sunday 11 April 2010

Judge people

Judging people by their taste in biscuits might not sound like a very productive way to get to know someone's personality, but I found it rather interesting.

Digestive - Frugal
Malted milk - Child like
Jammie dodger - Hyperactive
Hobnob - Grounded
Bourbon - Traditionalist
Choco Leibnz - Europhile
Jaffa cake - Extrovert (yes, it counts as a biscuit)
Choc millionaire - Love lorn

I like all these biscuits, and my favourites seem to accurate, but I am disappointed that ginger nut and custard creams aren't part of the list. I just spotted this in a magazine and thought I'd share it anyway, what is your favourite?


  1. Samantha Slope-Thomas4 April 2010 at 00:03

    I love shortbread...but jammie dodgers out of those xxx

  2. Danielle Reason4 April 2010 at 00:03

    Mines choco leibniz and I am most definately an europhile! Especially of a german nature! hehe xxxx
